Kółko Języka Angielskiego - VAB
Drodzy uczniowie,
Zapraszam do przećwiczenia słownictwa lub zasad gramatycznych w bardziej przystępny sposób :)
PIĄTEK 19.06.2020 - FRIDAY 19TH JUNE 2020
1. Grammar Online Exercises:
- Present Simple vs Present Continuous
- Be Going to vs Present Continuous
PIĄTEK 05.06.2020 - FRIDAY 5TH JUNE 2020
1. Grammar Tasks:
- be going to - match sentences
- be going to - Wh - questions
- Be going to vs Present Continuous
PIĄTEK 29.05.2020 - FRIDAY 29TH MAY 2020
1. Vocabulary exercises
- Brainy 5 - Unit 8 - Landscape
- Brainy 5 - Unit 8 - Campsite
- Brainy 5 - Unit 8 - Days/Months
- Brainy 5 - Unit 8 - Ordinal Numbers
- Brainy 5 - Unit 8 - Sporty Sue p.102
PIĄTEK 22.05.2020 - FRIDAY 22ND MAY 2020
1. Vocabulary
- Brainy 5 - Unit 7 - vocabulary summary
PIATEK, 15.05.2020 - FRIDAY, 15TH MAY 2020
1. Grammar Online Exercises
- Past Simple with Irregular Verbs
- Past Simple - Mixed Sentences
- Present Simple/Continuous/Past Simple
PIĄTEK, 08.05.2020 - FRIDAY, 8TH MAY 2020
1. Irregular Verbs Game
2. Grammar Online Tasks
- Past Simple 'to be' - Affirmative
- Past Simple 'to be' - Negative Forms
- Present Simple into Past Simple
- Past Simple 'to be' - mixed sentences
PIĄTEK, 17.04.2020 - FRIDAY, 17TH APRIL 2020
1. Vocabulary games
- Brainy 5 - Means of Transport
- Brainy 5 - In a clothes shop
PIATEK, 03.04.2020 - FRIDAY, 3RD APRIL 2020
1. Grammar games
- Present Simple 'Wh' questions
- Present Simple vs Continuous 1
- Present Simple vs Continuous 2
PIATEK, 27.03.2020 - FRIDAY, 27TH MARCH 2020
Present Continuous Tense - games
1. Present Continuous - game 1